Walk started at Southwest Museum of Clocks and Watches, building erected in 1902.

Larry and Carol waiting for the rain to stop before heading out to walk.

Across the street from the start is the Second
Empire style Caldwell County Courthouse built in
1893 and designed by San Antonio architect Alfred Giles.

Atop the courthouse is the town clock.

Black’s Barbecue, the oldest Texas barbecue owned
by the same family, serves up tasty food. We came
back and ate lunch here after finishing the walk.

An exaggeration of how hard they work here.

Gerald, Robert, Michael, Sheri and Linda are headed back in toward the finish.

Carol and Ed in the City Park. |

Creek in the city park.

Rick on the trail.

Ed and I (picture by Carol) walking in the rain.
Looking back on the hike/bike trail.

Creek crossing.
 Charlotte and Joan working checkpoint.

Geckos decorate the restrooms in the park.
 Possibly an old gas station.

Miniature village decorate a front lawn.
 Pretty birdhouse on the porch.
We encountered many nice old homes on the way to the finish. Unfortunately most of them had no historical markers so I have no information to share.






The Coopwood House – longtime home of prominent
county health official, Dr. Thomas Benton Coopwood.


“Come Unto Me” statue of Jesus on the First United
Church is listed on the Smithsonian Art Inventory.
 Gothic Revival sanctuary circa 1898
First Christian Church.

A ghost sign advertising Coca-Cola.
 Darlene and Pat are working the registration table when we finished.

Workings of a large clock in the museum.
 Finish area in the museum.