San Marcos YRE

The walk registration is at the San Marcos Activity Center.  There is now a tiny sculpture garden located there so we checked it out first.

San Marcos Activity Center is where we registered for the walk.

Hays County Veterans Memorial is across the street from the activity center.

We crossed the San Marcos River which is so clear you can see the plants.

Chief Placido of the Tonkawa Indians befriended Stephen F. Austin in the early days of Spanish Texas Settlement. His friendship was responsible for the Tonkawa support of the Texan forces, in the Texas War for Independence.

This structure, erected 1894-95, originally served as the office building for the San Marcos National Fish Hatchery, established in 1893 near the head of the San Marcos River.

There is a round red building hiding in the foliage. It is the Department of Theatre & Dance – Texas State University.

Pretty fountain in a pond.

When we crossed the bridge over the pond the historical marker tells us that these ponds were the location of the first federal fish breeding program established here in late 19th century.

Texas State University – Old Main on the hill above us.

Climbing the hill toward Old Main.

This sculpture near the top of the hill was created by Scott Wallace to commemorate the signing of the Higher Education Act on November 8, 1965 by President Lyndon Baines Johnson.

The Vaquero is a tall bronze statue of a Mexican cowboy. It stands in front of Old Main.

We circled the beautiful Victorian Gothic Old Main building built in 1902.

Across the way is the 2nd oldest building on campus built in 1912.

Heading down the quad we pass the statue of a very young LBJ. He attended school here in 1930.

A little further down the quad is the Bobcat mascot statue.

On the opposite side of the quad from the mascot is a mural on the end of the Flowers Hall.

At the end of the quad is the Fighting Stallions statue. Creator was Anna Vaughn Hyatt Huntington in 1950.

Arched entrance that leads to Guadalupe Street and we leave the campus.

This 1905 white Victorian house was built for an early settler.  It is now the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity house.

This red brick First Presbyterian church was built in 1952.

Mural is on the Hutchinson Street side of Palmer’s Restaurant below the outdoor dining deck.

Moon flowers blooming in the shade.

Victorian home. Couldn’t get close enough to read the historical marker.

O.T. Brown House – Victorian home built in 1878.

George Thomas McGehee House – A stunning peach-colored Victorian home with a turret built in 1895 .

Robert H. Belvin House – Built in 1859 as a school.

Rylander-Kyle House is a classical two-story white home built in 1913.

Ragsdale-Jackman-Yarbough House – Greek Revival style home circa 1868

Heard House – a lovely 1889 Queen Anne style home with turret.

Veteran’s Memorial Mural

A Spanish Revival style commercial building constructed in 1929 for the local telephone exchange.
Blue Moon mural – an advertisement for Blue Moon Optical.
A horse and small animal fountain on the east side of the Hays County Courthouse.
Dr. Gwen K. Smith Fountain, in Juan Veramendi Park, is currently not working.
Heritage Association gazebo in Juan Veramendi Park.  It needs some restoration.

A last look at the San Marcos River as we re-cross it to return to the finish.
