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Hardberger Park
San Antonio, TX

Kathy and Carlen working registration.

Joanne - Club President.

We passed here on our way to the park.

Carol on the trail.

Ed on the trail.

Some of the trail was gravel, some paved.

Surrounding woods.

Trail Marker

We came to a section that is boardwalk.

Soon we came to another section.
This section has a rest area with benches.

Carol and Ed hugging the "Hugging Tree".

Plaque about the hugging tree.

Another section of trail.

Mary and Ellen.

My attempt to capture the picture of a cardinal in the woods.

A “You are Here” information board.

Richard and Ed - our checkpoint volunteers.

Another walker we passed.

Carol and Ed approaching the overlook.

View of the valley below the overlook.

More volksmarchers heading out on the walk.

Joanne, Mike and Kathy chatting near the finish table.

Heinz and Priscilla working the finish table.
