Grand Saline Event



Walk started at the Salt Palace Museum. The original salt building was constructed in 1936. They have had to rebuild it several times since then.

Huge chunk of rock salt under pavilion near museum.

This historical marker details the life and times of Van Zandt County’s native-born son who went on to become a famous aviation pioneer and inventor before his untimely death with humorist Will Rogers at the age of 36 in 1935.

The Salt Palace built to promote civic pride in the town’s giant salt mine. The Palace is built of salt and visitors often lick it to make sure.

Walk registration at the Salt Palace.

Display inside the museum.

Memorabilia of Morton Salt. Never knew they had Morton Salt dolls!

Small crystal chunk of rock salt.

First United Methodist Church

Just a nice old house.

Old school gym.
Ultra modern new school.

Pinto burro came over to visit.

Stained glass window in the Catholic Church.

Old building reminded us of an old saloon.

This caboose was used on the TX short line railway that ran between Grand Saline and Alba. It was used by the salt mines in Grand Saline and the coal mines near Alba.

Pretty white octagon wooden gazebo in the park.

Train wind vane sets on top of the gazebo.

The historic train depot that was built in 1923. The depot originally sat along the Texas and Pacific Railroad line.

Art Deco brickwork decorates the building and spells out the name on the front.

We detoured from the walk route to visit the car show that was being held in conjunction with the Buzzard Festival.

Bonnie working the finish table.