Columbus, Texas

The Columbus Public Library

First United Methodist Church built in 1951.
Carol noticed that the sidewalk was stamped “Work Progress Administration”. We found six more locations during the walk where this showed up.

Lovely old home – no marker.
The Montgomery House – circa 1867.

Columbus Christian Center – no historical marker.
St. Anthony Catholic Church built in 1960.

The Tait House circa 1865.
Colorado River overlook.

Parker through tress bridge over Colorado River on US 90 BR.
Clocks atop the Colorado County Courthouse visible around town.

Townsend-Koliba House mid-1800s.
Passing the US 90 BR Bridge over Colorado River.

Carol reading marker about Joseph V.Frnka.
Railroad bridge over the Colorado River.

Hahn House – circa 1868.
Harrison-Hastedt House built in 1861.

Robert Henry Harrison MD lived at this site, but not in this house.
St. John’s Episcopal Church circa 1942.

Just a nice house with a wrap around porch – no marker.
The Isgrig House built in 1898.

Dick-Gillette House built in 1903.
  Gov. Pat Neff slept here.
Simpson-Williamson House built in 1882.

Youens–Hopkins House built in 1860s.
Toliver-Cone House built about 1870.

Stein-Girndt House built in 1897.
Originally built as an Episcopal Church in 1874.
  Sold to the Church of Christ in 1943.

Memorial to PFC Christopher R. Kilpatrick in Mid-Town Park.
Keith-Traylor House built in 1871.

Maigne-Walther House built in 1867.
Tate-Senftenberg-Brandon Home built about 1867.

Vintage Movie Theater built in 1936.
It remained a movie theatre until 1996.
Ilse-Rau House built in 1887.

Colorado County Courthouse built in 1891, had extensive repairs in 1909 after a hurricane.
Blue Star Memorial Highway Marker –   A  tribute to the Armed Forces that have defended the United States of America.

In 1837 court was held under this Oak Tree.
Quincentennial Fountain erected in 1986.

Stafford-Miller House built in 1886.
Stafford Bank and Opera House built in 1886. Chamber of Commerce now occupies the building.

Old IOOF Building now occupied by an insurance company.
Built 1883 by town of Columbus, using over 400,000 handmade bricks. Has 32-inch walls. Served as water tower and fire house until 1912. Since 1926 owned by Shropshire – Upton Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy.

Fireman Memorial on the corner in front of the fire department.
Fire Dept/City Hall built in 1936.

Abram Alley Log Cabin built here in 1836.
