San Marcos Event

Dunbar School Building is now used by Parks and Rec Department.
Our walk start volunteers.
Historic home for sale.
Two-story Victorian ell shaped house with one-story encircling porch, railed porch roof on second floor; cedar roof covered with tin. Built in 1889 by George Henry Talmadge.
Blooming flowers decorate a street corner.

Mermaid wind vane.

New Braunsfel Volksmarcher caught up with and passed us.

Metal flowers decorate this yard.

San Antonio Volksmarchers on the trail.

We are headed toward the stark “Carpenter Gothic” chapel, built in 1886. It is a white open pavilion to give a place for reflection in the cemetery.

Mark working the checkpoint at the cemetery.

Historical marker in the cemetery.

Doe in the cemetery.

Austin Volksmarchers.

Homemade grave marker.

Wood carved into a shark hanging in a yard.

Bluebonnet filled yard.

The Queen Anne style home was built around 1890 for Judge Ed Kone.

Carol surrounded by the Bluebonnets.

Tina from Pflugerville caught up with us.

A stunning peach-colored Victorian home with a turret built in 1895 for George Thomas McGehee.

Carlen and Joann finishing up the downtown loop.

Home of Ulysses Cephas who was a freed slave that owned his own black smith shop.

Constructed in 1873 as the first Hays County Jail.

Angela and Ed.

The goddess of Justice stands above the old Hays County Courthouse.

Ed and Carol window shopping.

The old University performing arts center.

Art outside a beauty salon.

Located in the white Victorian style Cape House the large Alpha Delta Pi chapter is well represented on the campus of Texas State University.

Ed with his new hat.

Fort Street Presbyterian Church building. This Gothic church with octagonal towers is now divided into two sections. One section is used as law offices while the other is a private residence.

Pretty Bottle Brush bush.

Route marker.

Pretty birdhouses.

Barbara stamping our record books when we complete the walk.
