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Montgomery, TX Volksmarch

Walk registration at Ransom’s Steakhouse & Saloon.

Fernland Historical Park in the distance.

Carol and Bluebonnets.

Curious burrows.

Ed petting the town goat.

Methodist Parsonage circa 1886.

Come and Take It.

Magnolia House circa 1854.

Shelton-Smith Home.

Volksmarchers headed in the other direction.

More volksmarchers going the other way.

Volksmarchers that are about to catch us.

Fountain in Cedar Brake Park.

Statue of early Texas settler and Texas founding father, Dr. Charles B. Stewart, in Cedar Brake Park.

Very nice house.

Lutheran Chuch.

Old State Bank Building is now a pet store.

House that is now an antique store.

Outhouse behind a house.

Heron statue on the edge of the lake in Memory Park.

Memory Lake.

Carol and the fountain in Memory Park.

Lake through pretty blooms.

Waterfalls below a buffalo.

Turtles lined up on the bank of the lake.

View of Memorial Park.

Ed and I on a butterfly bench in Memory Park.

Historical building in Ferland Park.

Bell at the Crane Family Cabin.

Shed in the park.

China Chapel United Methodist Church Bell Tower.

View of Fernland Historical Park.

Bell in the park.

Mountain Laurel in bloom.

Headed back to Ransom Steakhouse.
