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Hermann Park

This is on I-10 on the way into town, not in Hermann Park.

Fountain along Holcomb.

Flame sculpture at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.

Another fountain.

Dick Dowling was the hero of the Battle of Sabine Pass, the only Civil War conflict in Texas.

Protective fencing along the golf course.

We went off route from here and wandered around

Tiny Train has been running in Hermann Park for 50 years.

Miller Outdoor Theater.

Oliver Twist statue.

Carol spotted this on a hilltop.

Atropos Key is this statue's name.

Carol on top of the hill in front of Miller Outdoor Theater.

McGovern Centennial Garden entrance.

Inviting sight when you look in the entrance.
No way we could just walk by.

Found Confucius here.

This is closed.

Carol and Ed in the rose garden.

Statue called "Dawn".

Japanese Stone Latern.

Spiral path up the hill.

Mahatma Gandhi.

Benches at the top of the hill.

View from the top.

Robert Burns is one of 8 busts in the Garden.

Passed this fountain.

Decorated utility box.

St. Paul's Methodist Church.

This pyramid serves as a sundial in the middle of a waterfall.

Walking down the side of the reflecting pool.

Pioneer Memorial obelisk.

Ed in front of the Hermann Park Zoo.

Roly Poly artwork.

George Hermann statue .

Bathers .
