Chambersville, TX
RoseDango Celebration

The Plano Walking Club hosted this event in conjunction with the RoseDango Celebration.


Left to right. Seated: Carole and Kitty Standing: Maggie, Ann and Daphne.

Rose towers.

Pink roses.

Ed and I under a rose tower. Picture by Carol.

White climbing rose.

Carol in the rose garden.

Pretty pink roses.

Mounds of roses.

Side view of a pergola.

Wedding pergola area.

Chandelier in a tree.

Armadillo digging in the woods.

Armadillo finally posed for me.

Walkers ahead of us across the lake.

View of the small lake.

Martha is a Dallas Trekker. She was on the way back in. Walking trail marked by blue paint in the grass.

Carol taking pictures.

Cindy crossing the bog on plywood strips.

Carol and Sheri.

Checkpoint volunteers.

Old tractor on display.

Karen is a Dallas Trekker.

Not sure what these colorful trees are.

Red Japanese Maples.

Volksmarchers headed back in.

Helen and James.
This is James First Volksmarch

Carol and Ed walking along the road.

Walking past the sign at the entrance.

Wagon Wheel propped against a tree.

Me, Ed and Carol.
Picture by Marilyn .

Marilyn and Bill with Ed.

Red rose bush.

Rose towers from a distance.

Old fashioned roses. Multi colors on same bush.

Back side of the Wedding Pergola on the way to the finish.

Festival Tents

Multi-Colored Roses.

Looking up at base of tower.

Rose Towers.

Plano Walking Club Tent. Finish is in site.

Finish Table.
