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Stephenville Volksmarch Event

We met up with Aaron and Kerwin. We’re ready to begin the walk.

The walk went into City Park.

Which was also the staging area for the 4th of July Parade. So we walked by the parade.

We walked past the Erath County Courthouse, the work of noted
architect J. Riely Gordon. It is a beautiful example of Romanesque
Revival design. This is the county’s third courthouse and it was
completed in 1892. It had restoration done in 2002.

Built in 1889 to house the city’s first bank, this building
features elaborate stonework and large arches typical of Romanesque
Revival architecture and a Queen Anne style tower.

We passed this pretty mural.

One of several cowboy memorials in the sidewalk on Columbia Street.

Another of the cowboy memorials.

Carol at the entrance to the Tarleton University Campus.


Hunewell Bandstand: A 2001 replica of a 1927 bandstand that was razed in 1963.

Half of the Tarleton State University Military Memorial.

Other half of the Tarleton State University Military Memorial.

Professor's Memorial.

Another war memorial.

Residence of the University President. It was built in 1923.

Artwork above the entrance to the Joe W. Autry Building.

“ULTRA” by Artist John Gregg stands alongside the Clyde H. Wells Fine Arts Center.

Another of the University Buildings.

The walk passes by the West End Cemetery.

We’re in the home stretch. Almost finished with the event.

A type of morning glory called a "Moon Flower".
