Village Creek State Park Volksmarch Event
Hardin County

Helen, Deborah, and Helen.
They have completed Loop 1.
Heading back out to do Loop 2.

Daralyn working walk registration.

Carol and Ed on the first bridge we came to.

View of the trail.

Brook and Sheri headed back in.

Example of small puddles that dotted the trail.

There were some bigger puddles too.

View of the swollen creek from the bridge above it.

Time to turn around.

Dry section of trail.
Patches of sand looks like paving stones.

Getting water and candy at the checkpoint.

Walk left the woods and took to the park roads.

When they reached the park entrance, they turned around and came back.

They were finished, but we had another loop to do.
Back into the woods we went.

With no people to take pictures of I resorted to ferns.

Rotted logs along the trail.

Back on the park roads again, and then we were finished.

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