Trinity Woods Event

Walk registration volunteer at William Blair Park.

First we did a loop around a small lake.

The loop was on paved trail.

We continued up to the levee that holds back the Trinity
River if it floods. Note large flock of birds we set off.

Heading back down off the levy toward a marshy area.

Walking along the treeline.
Entered the woods.

Checkpoint volunteer is Dave (red backpack).
Bob is doing the volksmarch.
The trail is a little obscure so we have
ribbons to follow to keep us on it.

Some sort of fungus growing on a log.

Water standing on the trail.

Bob and a sign telling us we were on the Buckeye Grove Loop.

Tall grass that comes up to our knees.

Just one of the many obstacles we had to cross.

Trinity river overlook. It is running fast and muddy.

Lumpy tree.

Another view of the trail.

Another overlook of the Trinity River.
Caught a train crossing the trestle.

Pava, Maggie, Angelia, Sally (front row).
Keith and Daphne behind.

Maggie took our picture and sent it to me.

Back on the Levee headed toward the finish.

A group of volksmarchers headed the opposite direction.

We left the levee and headed into a neighborhood to view the murals.

Other side of the mural.

Just a little wet and muddy at the end.
