Crowell Seasonal Event
Foard County
Walked on 09/04/2015



One of two historical markers on the courthouse lawn.

Information on the courthouse.

Front view of the courthouse.

Another marker on the courthouse lawn.

County named for Texas Confederate officer Robert L. Foard.

Another view of the courthouse.


Spirit of the American Navy.

The Spirit of the American Doughboy.

They stand on the NW corner of the courthouse.

Another memorial with names of those who gave their lives for this country.

As we headed out on the walk the sun was still coming up.

Restored and relocated the 1909 depot is now the Foard County Veterans and Depot-Museum.

Another Quanah Parker Trail Arrow.

Information on Quanah.

St. Joseph’s Catholic Church.

First Baptist Church.

School mascot adorns athletic building.

We passed the football field named for hometown athlete who played for the Washington Redskins.

Crowell High School which was built by the WPA.

Some of the walk was on streets at the edge of town that are still gravel.

Vacant house.

City Hall.

Restored Chevy.

Old jail.

Walked out past the granary.

Marker in City Park.
