Cute decorations on the lights in the square. |
Host location for the walk box. |
Inside the C2 Café |
The Bank of Carrollton diagonally across from the walk start. Built around 1907. It is currently a clothes boutique. |
This old RR depot was built in 1924 on the Cotton Belt line. It served both freight and passenger trains until passenger service ceased in 1935. |
Heading out on the hike/bike trail. |
First of several overflow type dams on the creek beside the hike/bike trail. |
Nice wide trail. |
Another of the overflow dams. |
A pond with fountain and seagulls sitting on the railing of the pier. |
Two swans. |
Another one. |
Boardwalk along the edge of the pond. |
City Hall. |
Nice brick lined creek bank. |
No brick lining along this section. |
Left the hike and bike trail and passed this historical cemetery. This cemetery opened with the burial of Mrs. A. W. Perry in 1896. Nearby was the Union Baptist Church, which stood on land given by A. W. Perry. On Feb. 18, 1897, he deeded land for this cemetery — the first burial ground associated with the town of Carrollton. The Union Church land was added to the cemetery about 1911, after the church moved away. |
In 1844 the Perry family migrated from Illinois to Texas. They built a simple frame house here in the late 1850s. The Perrys had eight children who grew to adulthood. When the Perry property was divided in 1904, their son DeWitt received this portion containing the family home. In 1909 he dismantled the old family home and used the lumber and stone to build a one-and-a-half story residence. A central hallway divides the interior, and ornate columns support the wrap-around porch. His wife, Frances, occupied the residence until her death just before her 101st birthday. In 1975 their daughter donated the house and ten acres of surrounding property to the City of Carrollton for use as a museum and park. Volunteers from the community restored the structure. |
Barn that is part of the Perry Homestead. |
Just a nice house. |
Mural depicting scenes from life in Carrollton. |
Poster on the front of the Plaza Theatre. |
The Plaza marquee. |
Gazebo in the town square. |
This 110-foot tall grain storage tower was once the center of a family-owned grain and feed business. Erected in 1950, it was Carrollton’s most distinctive landmark. It stands on the site of the original Carrollton Feed Mills, which L.F. Blanton bought in 1931. The name was changed in mid-1940’s to Blanton Grain Company. Grain and feed produced and stored here were shipped via the railroad to customers world-wide. With Blanton’s death in 1971, the company closed. Designated a historic landmark by the Carrollton City Council on December 7, 2010. |