2012 Spring Lake Event

Spring Lake Preserve Volksmarch
San Marcos, TX

Siba was already heading out when we arrived to register.

Walk Registration Volunteer

Ed and the IVV flag

View of the trail.

Signboard on Spring Lake Preserve Trail

Cross along the trail is unmarked.

Another view of the trail.

Another information signboard.

Ed on the bridge.

Dead tree against a cloudy sky.

Signboard for the sundial.

Couple from Wimberly.

Me at the overlook.

Sheri, Robert, Gerald and Bandit.

Ed and the Checkpoint Volunteers.


Sample of residential area we walked thru.

Nice color.

shoe tree


Carol and Terry

Group from Austin.

John and Charles.


Checkpoint #2 Volunteer
Checkpoint same location as the start.

One of the aquariums at the start.

Starting second loop going toward Bobcat Stadium.

Pedestrian Bridge over the San Marcos River.
Trail didn't go over it.

Rock house seen across the river.

Christmas Tree

Auto bridge over the river from a pedestrian bridge.

Clear water reveals plants growning the water.

Log Cabin

Hays County Courthouse

Sculpture of Texas Ranger Jack C. Hays

Texas Rivers Center

Priscilla and Heinz working finish table.

Club President - Barbara Piersol
