Decoration on the Fort Worth Club building. | |
Cutout Sculpture. |

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Tim, Kerwin & Ed. | |
Jungle Gym for kids or modern art? |

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Fireman Memorial. | |
Old Fire Bell. |

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Church off in the distance. | |
Masonic Temple completed in 1932.
Marker says that it is neo-classical
with art modern influences and features
upper story ionic columns. |

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Built in 1898, the Pullock-Capps house
is a wonderful example of Victorian style architecture. | |
Built in 1899, the Ball-Eddleman-McFarland house is a wonderful example of Queen Anne architecture. |

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Looking down on the water display. | |
Looking directly at the water display. |

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Old Fire Station
Now a museum. | |
Angel playing trumpet on side of Bass Performance Hall. |

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Sundance Square construction fence. | |
JFK Memorial. |

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Old Santa Fe Depot. Now part of UT-Arlington Campus. | |