Walk Registration. |
Ed and Siba. |
Firewheels (or Indian Blankets if you prefer) along gravel Path along the MoPac access road. |
Butterfly bench at Dominion Mall. |
Bird near the butterfly bench. |
Whirligig. |
Carol working checkpoint #1. |
One of several mosaic designs in wall. |
Cute Armadillo. |
Place to hold parties. |
More mosaic designs. |
Blue mosaic cactus. |
Three generations enjoying the trail. |
Ed headed out on the second loop. |
Big dip in the trail. |
Deep woods. |
Rocky trail here. |
Graffiti. |
Rock wall replaced the woods. |
Mini grotto. |
Moss covered rocks in the dry creekbed. |
Another view Ed on the trail |
Wildflowers along the trail. |
Ed on one of the two bridges we crossed. |
A volksmarcher on the trail. |
Trail closer to the subdivision. |
Another volksmarcher on the trail. |
One of the two tunnels we passed through. |
One last view of the trail. |