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Balcones District Park Volksmarch in Austin, TX

Balcones District Park

Walk Registration.

Ed and Siba.

Firewheels (or Indian Blankets if you prefer) along gravel Path along the MoPac access road.

Butterfly bench at Dominion Mall.

Bird near the butterfly bench.

Carol working checkpoint #1.

One of several mosaic designs in wall.

Cute Armadillo.

Place to hold parties.

More mosaic designs.

Blue mosaic cactus.

Three generations enjoying the trail.

Second loop in the woods.

Ed headed out on the second loop.

Big dip in the trail.

Deep woods.
Rocky trail here.


Rock wall replaced the woods.

Mini grotto.

Moss covered rocks in the dry creekbed.

Another view Ed on the trail

Wildflowers along the trail.

Ed on one of the two bridges we crossed.

A volksmarcher on the trail.

Trail closer to the subdivision.

Another volksmarcher on the trail.

One of the two tunnels we passed through.

One last view of the trail.
