Spring Lake Preserve Volksmarch
San Marcos, TX

Texas Rivers Center

Texas Rivers Center

Walk Registration Volunteers

Priscilla and Barbara

Aquarena Springs

Bridge on Spring Lake Preserve Trail

Xeriscape Garden

Not much to see in the garden.

It was 37 degrees when we started out.

Checkpoint #1 Volunteer

Volunteer at sundial.
He told us how it works.

Ed trying it out.

View from the overlook.

Volkmarchers behind us on the trail.

Leaving trail and going to residental.
Greeted by friendly feline.

Huge Magnolia.

Checkpoint #2 Volunteers.

Nice doors.

Not sure what this is supposed to be.

shoe tree

Someone from Austin must have moved here.

Old Main
Texas State University

Walker headed the other way.

A group headed out.



Back on the trail on way to finish.
It has really warmed up.

Finish table volunteers.
