Dianne and Donna working registration table at Walnut Hill Recreation Center. |
Deborah with cupcakes in celebration of Dallas Trekker's 33rd Anniversary. |
Fall color against a bright blue sky. |
New Home. |
Pretty Fountain in yard of the new home. |
Another new home. |
Ed and some more fall color. |
A yard that doesn't need mowing. |
Nice landscaping. | |
Sarah working checkpoint in Cox Lane Park. |
Ed on a nice bridge. |
Historic Cox Farm House circa 1890 Mixture of Queene Anne and Victorian style. |
Texas Centennial Exposition house Moved here in 1937. |
Wisteria Vines along the edge of the porch. |
Some more fall color and threatening clouds. |
More pretty flowers. |
Les and Kathie. |
Helen stamping my event book. Finished 1200 events today. |