Royal Storybook Character Walk

Dianne and Donna working registration table
at Walnut Hill Recreation Center.

Deborah with cupcakes in celebration
of Dallas Trekker's 33rd Anniversary.

Fall color against a bright blue sky.

New Home.

Pretty Fountain in yard of the new home.

Another new home.

Ed and some more fall color.
A yard that doesn't need mowing.

Nice landscaping.

Sarah working checkpoint in Cox Lane Park.

Ed on a nice bridge.

Historic Cox Farm House circa 1890
Mixture of Queene Anne and Victorian style.

Texas Centennial Exposition house
Moved here in 1937.

Wisteria Vines along the edge of the porch.

Some more fall color and threatening clouds.

More pretty flowers.

Les and Kathie.

Helen stamping my event book.
Finished 1200 events today.
