| Email Me | Lookout Park 2003 | Lookout Park 2005

Sunrise Volksmarch - Lookout Park
Richardson, TX

Plano Walking Club Volunteers.

Pat and Susan.

We will be coming back this way.

Ed and Carol heading out on Lookout Road.

First time we crossed the creek..

Sunshine on the top of the crepe myrtle makes them glow.

Nice homes surrounding Sherril Park Golf Course.

Nice flower display.

Another nice home.

Like these lions.

Another nice home.

Cute mailbox.

Checkpoint Volunteers

Small lake with viewing platform.

Another view of the creek.

Walkers coming along behind us.

Nice fencing made of cement.

This dog is an Akita. It is a breed from the mountainous northern regions of Japan.

Cottontails were plentiful in the yards.

View of the golf course.

Ed and Carol with the golf course club house in the background.

We crossed the creek again.

Just a view of the trail.

Finish area.

Winner of the free drawing for a pedometer.
